The Story Of Stealth Universal

When we looked around the marketplace, we noticed that there were not many holsters that offered versatility and ease of use. So many of the holsters on the market today are designed to work just one specific way and position.

The Stealth Universal holster was created out of an idea to make a holster that could be worn in or outside of the belt, right or left handed. It has the ability to be used creatively like on the side panel of a door or clipped to the side of a bed. This holster can be used by anyone at any level of experience with ease.

The Stealth Universal holster was  using two pieces of sturdy genuine leather stitched together with heavy duty stitching designed to make sure your gun is exactly where you want it to be when you need it. The holster offer excellent retention, while offering an easy draw. To protect your gun from scratching and corrosion, we lined the holster with microfiber on both sides. We also wanted this holster to be so well made that we could be proud to back it with a Lifetime Warranty.

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